You know what really grinds my gears? Women championing the “Women in Whisky” cause like it’s somehow badass. It’s not.

Let’s make it clear, women in whisky have been commonplace for a long time now and – within the industry – they’re really treated as equal as men (I haven’t checked their pay slips though… ;)).
You know what? Your favourite malt is probably thought, distilled, blended, bottled, designed, marketed and/or sold by a woman, and most malt maniacs KNOW it, and nobody goes “oh no I don’t buy Mackmyra it’s made by a woman, yuk!“, sorry to disappoint you.
From the outside though, it’s probably not always the same story, I can’t even count how many times I’ve been asked why I was interested in whisky as a woman… But in the end, most people I know find it pretty cool and patronizing morons are a minority.
I believe “women in whisky” shouldn’t be a thing, if we keep adopting this approach, WE stigmatize ourselves. What’s the point then if we’re trying to tell people there’s no Women VS Men but People, equal rights etc. and then go “WE women, blablabla, we also blabla, we’re like men…” -__- You’re the one putting people into boxes in the first place, starting with yourself.

I know we’ll continue to see it for a long time, “women in whisky” is a typical clickbait for journos (I gave an interview for Vice last year and the title they came up with was “thir girl is proving whisky isn’t a drink for old grumpy men” – in French – needless to say it attracted a huge amount of clicks, but in the end, it’s reductive and the whole point of the article wasn’t about this…), but in 2017, being a woman in a supposed “men’s world” shouldn’t be regarded as strange or ballsy.
When I look at my blog statistics, almost 35% of you are females, we’re not marginals, there’s nothing “oO” about women knowing their dram, simply natural progress of the society we live in. We should be grateful “women in whisky” isn’t a thing.

The world is evolving, get used to it.
PS: I guess you can ask me why I recently started a “Women Who Whisky” series then? Please be aware there won’t be new episodes of this one for the reasons explained above. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
Cover Pic: Huffington Post
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