Don’t get fooled by the title, I’m not asking you to waste a single drop of your Highland Park 18 here ! However, I know you must have already experienced this kind of situations when you get a random bottle of whisky as a birthday/Christmas/WhateverYouFancyCelebrating present from that guy, who knowing you like whisky, picked up the first – not that expensive (he hardly knows you anyway) – bottle he could find at his local supermarket. You may sometimes win the lottery but quite often, this bottle will either :
1) be put at the very back of your whisky collection and be forgotten ’til your next move.
2) Be re-used as a present once you’ll get invited to this friend of a friend’s housewarming.
3) Be drunk with discount coke as an after party tipple of choice.
But today, I’m more than happy to offer a bright new future to this low-quality bottle (which after all still contains whisky and deserves to be respected !). Browsing the internet for DIY face packs ideas last night, I was indeed pretty surprised to came across a few articles mentioning whisky as a beauty treatment.
Below are my 3 favourite ideas to use whisky as a facial mask :
1. Whisky + Honey
“In one tbs whisky, mix well a tbs of honey. Apply it on face and massage gently for 5-6 minutes. After massage, leave it for about 20 minutes and then wash off with water. Moisturising properties of honey and antibacterial properties of honey will give you flawless and glowing skin.” (IdeaMasala)
2. Whisky + Eggs
“This power packed face pack can make your skin free from acne problems, reduce open pores and destroys blackheads. In order to make this pack, beat one egg and add two teaspoons of whiskey to it. You can also add milk powder to make it thick. Apply on your face and let it dry. Wash your face with cold water and get excellent result.” (Beauty Glimpse)
3. Whisky + Lemon
- Two tablespoons of whisky
- Half tablespoon of lemon juice
How to make
“Mix half tablespoon of lemon juice with two tablespoons of whisky and apply this mixture on your face. Let it sit for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. Pat it dry and follow up with moisturizer.
This face pack helps to reduce the dark and dull skin. Lemon with its bleaching acne, lightens dark skin and also cleanses it.” (Beauty Health Tips)