New Year has always called for a fresh start to me! I know, it isn’t technically the beginning of a new year but as you know, my student years ended not that long ago, and I then still consider September as the start of the new year, even more than January actually… #TwistedMind.
And in order to enter this new era in a conquering mood, I wanted to share with you my malted resolutions – maybe we’ll have some in common!
Broaden my malted horizons by touring non-conventional whisky destinations such as Sweden, Iceland, Denmark etc.
Plan a long-overdue trip to Kentucky and learn more about Bourbon.
Discover more of my own country’s spirits: after all, France is more than famous for its exquisite distilled drinks and the diversity of its spirits landscape: from Calvados, Armagnac to Chartreuse & other fruit liqueurs!
Go take the whiskey temperature in Ireland where things are getting more and more exciting!
Allow more time to whisky education – Got plenty of interesting books that are still awaiting to be read on my book shelves…
Expand my drinks interest to other categories such as Rum, Cognac & Beer.
Create a better balance between private time, blogging time and other work activities
Work harder to realise my dreams and make all the exciting malted projects I have in my mind come true!
Work on new articles series for you guys, organise more regular giveaways with inspiring brands (my way to thank you for your on-going support!), build new categories and release new features for the blog. This year should see quite a few changes around here including a regularly-updated calendar of events which will be arriving very soon!
Keep doing my best to remain more “lifestyle” than “geeky” and push the boundaries of whisky blogging!