As explained on Glendalough’s official website: “The 7 seas bridge 7 continents that some say were made in 7 days. Even the light we see them in splits into 7. It’s the world’s favourite number and some say, a lucky one. But that’s not why we’ve realesed the first of our single malts as a 7 year old. Here at the Glendalough Distillery, we’re not …
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For this second episode of my recently-launched “7 questions for…” series (remember, we were talking whisky & chocolate last week!), I wanted to introduce you to a very special company, working in my first area of expertise (kidding, completing a degree doesn’t make me an expert at all, but hey, please let me think diplomas matter… At least just a little bit ? No ? …
Continue readingI just spent a few days without my beloved fluffy cat that I’m already developing the symtoms of a severe lack-of-cuddling-and-petting-sessions condition (go straight to your therapist if you start experiencing some serious blackouts – it’s probably due to drug withdrawal, and cats definitely are one of the hardest). Trying to heal my emotional wounds, I thought I could pay some sort of tribute to …
Continue readingOh boy, time is flying! Poor-quality-beer-fuelled celebrations are in full swing in the whole southwestern area of France since a few weeks, and I didn’t even find enough time to put my white pants on and hit the smelly streets of any Basque country small-size town. Or maybe I’m just getting old and too snob to dance to mainstream electro beats anymore while trying not …
Continue readingWhile spending some time in England earlier this year, I had the chance to quench my thirst for great chocolate & spirits with the wonderful creations from Matthieu de Gottal, the Willy Wonka of the Cotswolds! Naturally, when I thought about this new “7 questions for…” series, Matthieu came to mind to inaugurate those new spirited interviews, aiming at introducing you to different whisky-related talents …
Continue readingStuart McNamara, founder & editor at, explains that Hyde Whiskey in Skibereen is actually a new Irish whiskey venture and is not to be confused with any other whiskey companies in West Cork. In common with most new Irish Whiskey Start Ups, their initial release is based on a high quality offering that Hyde have worked their magic on from an established distillery. In …
Continue readingAs I was once again wandering on Amazon, hesitating between poodle and pug masks (I know they’re both absolutely fantastic !), I magically found myself scrolling down the results page for “whisky” (I tend to be a bit obsessional when I like something…), surfing endless seas of whisky stones and other malted gadgets. I then took a deep breath, closed the page and realised it …
Continue readingHow to -still- look like a respected whisky aficionado when all you’re craving for right now is another G&T, Mojito, Tequila sunrise or a large bucket of ice-cold water ? A terrible heatwave has invaded Europe since a few days, leaving us all sweaty and dehydrated, lying like stranded wales on our couches (or maybe this one just apply to me ?), praying for the …
Continue readingFancy a change from the regular Scottish/Irish whisky pilgrimage ? Why not considering a picturesque getaway south of the border, in one of the most charming English area, the Cotswolds ? For those in the back of the room who don’t spend 1546798 hours a week reading the Spirits news websites, be aware there are now more than a couple of working whisky distilleries in …
Continue readingAfter receiving so many messages from people reacting to my previous article concerning whisky tourism and more particularly the visitor experience within distilleries, I thought it could be interesting to compile the best thoughts here. I chose not to provide a comment section directly on my blog but always love discussing whisky-related topics on social networks and emails alike, so don’t feel shy if you …
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