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Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream Recipe: How to Make This Delicious Drink

thewhiskylady - 2024-02-14

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream is a delicious and versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of recipes. It is made with real cream and premium Buffalo Trace bourbon, giving it a smooth vanilla flavor that can be enjoyed on its own or mixed into cocktails and desserts. This article will explore the Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream recipe and provide some ideas for how to use it in your own cooking and entertaining.

History of Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream is a premium whiskey cream that has a rich and smooth vanilla flavor. It is made with real cream and Buffalo Trace bourbon, which is a high-quality bourbon produced by the Buffalo Trace Distillery. The distillery claims to be the oldest continuously operating distillery in the United States, with a history that dates back to 1775.

The recipe for Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream was created by the distillery’s master blender, Drew Mayville. Mayville is a renowned whiskey expert who has been with the Buffalo Trace Distillery for over 20 years. He has won numerous awards for his blending skills and is highly respected in the whiskey industry.

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream was first introduced in 2016 and quickly became popular among whiskey enthusiasts. It is a versatile drink that can be enjoyed on its own, over ice, or as a mixer in cocktails. Its smooth and creamy texture makes it a perfect addition to coffee, hot chocolate, or dessert recipes.

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Creamphoto credit: www.buffalotracedistillery.com

Basic Ingredients for Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream Recipe

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream is a rich and creamy liqueur that is made with real cream and premium Buffalo Trace bourbon. It has a smooth vanilla flavor that makes it perfect for sipping on its own or mixing into cocktails and desserts. If you’re interested in making your own Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream, here are the basic ingredients you’ll need:

Heavy Cream

Heavy cream is the base of Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream. It is a high-fat cream that has a rich, velvety texture. The fat content of heavy cream is what gives the liqueur its creamy consistency and mouthfeel. When shopping for heavy cream, look for cream that has a fat content of at least 36%.


Bourbon is the other main ingredient in Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream. The recipe calls for premium Buffalo Trace bourbon, which is a high-quality bourbon that is made from a mash bill of corn, rye, and barley. The bourbon adds a rich, complex flavor to the liqueur that is both sweet and savory.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is used to flavor the Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream. It adds a sweet, floral note to the liqueur that complements the rich, creamy flavors of the heavy cream and bourbon. When shopping for vanilla extract, look for pure vanilla extract that is made from real vanilla beans.

Powdered Sugar

Powdered sugar is used to sweeten the Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream. It dissolves easily and gives the liqueur a smooth, silky texture. When shopping for powdered sugar, look for sugar that is finely ground and free of lumps.

Cocoa Powder (Optional)

Some recipes for Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream call for cocoa powder. It adds a rich, chocolatey flavor to the liqueur that is perfect for mixing into hot cocoa or coffee. When shopping for cocoa powder, look for unsweetened cocoa powder that is free of additives and preservatives.

Step-by-Step Mixing Guide

Making a delicious Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream cocktail is easy with this step-by-step mixing guide. Whether you’re a seasoned bartender or a home mixologist, you’ll be able to create a tasty drink in no time.


Before you start mixing your cocktail, make sure you have all the ingredients you need. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  • Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream
  • Ice
  • Glass
  • Stirrer or shaker (optional)
  • Garnish (optional)


  1. Fill a glass with ice. The size of the glass will depend on the amount of cocktail you want to make.
  2. Pour Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream over the ice. The amount will depend on your preference, but a good starting point is 2 ounces.
  3. If you’re using a stirrer, gently stir the cocktail until it’s well mixed. If you’re using a shaker, add the ice and Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream to the shaker and shake until well mixed.
  4. If you’re using a garnish, add it to the glass.
  5. Enjoy your delicious Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream cocktail!


  • Experiment with different amounts of Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream to find your perfect mix.
  • Try adding a splash of soda water or ginger ale for a little fizz.
  • For a creamier texture, blend the cocktail with ice in a blender.
  • Don’t forget to garnish your cocktail for an extra touch of flavor and presentation.

Serving Suggestions

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream is a versatile beverage that can be enjoyed on its own or used as a mixer in cocktails. Here are a few serving suggestions to help you make the most of this delightful drink:


For a refreshing and creamy treat, serve Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream chilled. The cool temperature enhances the smoothness of the drink, making it a delightful choice for a hot summer day or a cozy evening indoors. Simply pour the bourbon cream over ice and enjoy.


Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream can also be used as a topping for desserts such as pies, cakes, and ice cream. Its rich and creamy texture adds a delicious twist to any dessert. Try it on top of a warm apple pie or drizzled over a slice of cheesecake.


Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream can be used as a base for a variety of cocktails. Its creamy texture and sweet flavor make it a perfect addition to coffee-based cocktails such as Irish coffee or espresso martinis. It can also be used to add a twist to classic cocktails such as the White Russian or the Mudslide.


Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream pairs well with a variety of flavors, including chocolate, coffee, and caramel. Try pairing it with a rich chocolate cake or a warm caramel dessert for a decadent treat.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to mix Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream into a cocktail?

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream can be used in a wide variety of cocktails. According to Buffalo Trace Distillery, some popular cocktail recipes include Cinnamon Latte Shots, Tiramisu Shots, and Morning Call Coffee. For a more decadent treat, try the Whipped Bourbon Cream Topping. The barware and glassware needed to make Bourbon Cream cocktails can be purchased online and delivered to your door.

Can you substitute Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream in recipes calling for other bourbon creams?

While Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream has a unique flavor profile, it can be substituted in recipes calling for other bourbon creams. However, it is important to note that the flavor of the final product may differ slightly from the original recipe.

What are the primary ingredients in Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream?

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream is made with Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, real cream, and natural flavors. According to the Buffalo Trace Distillery website, the cream used in the recipe is sourced from a single local dairy.

Are there any notable differences between Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream and Baileys Irish Cream?

While both Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream and Baileys Irish Cream are cream-based liqueurs, they have distinct flavor profiles. Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream has a more pronounced bourbon flavor, while Baileys Irish Cream has a smoother, more chocolatey taste. Additionally, Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream is made with real cream and natural flavors, while Baileys Irish Cream is made with cream and cocoa extracts.

Where can I find Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream for purchase?

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream can be found at select liquor stores and online retailers. It is important to note that availability may vary depending on your location. To find a retailer near you, visit the Buffalo Trace Distillery website and enter your zip code.


One of the best things about Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream is that it is incredibly easy to make. With just a few ingredients, you can whip up a delicious and creamy drink that is perfect for any occasion. Some of the most popular recipes for Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream include the Whipped Bourbon Cream Topping, which is perfect for adding to coffee, hot cocoa, or even ice cream.

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream is a delicious and versatile beverage that is perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re sipping it neat or incorporating it into your favorite recipes, you’re sure to love the rich and indulgent taste of this delightful drink.

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