single pot still

Those new Irish Whiskeys You Need To Try

thewhiskylady - 2017-06-28

You’re not without knowing the Irish Whiskey category is undergoing a certain revival/revolution/rebirth (as media like to call it) those days, giving birth to a burgeoning craft whiskey movement but also exciting new releases coming from the well-established big guys who definitely aren’t willing to let innovation be the priviledge of the smaller distilleries. Something big is happening in Ireland, and it’s happening right now. …

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An Irish Whiskey revolution with new Method & Madness range

thewhiskylady - 2017-02-23

Irish Distillers introduces METHOD AND MADNESS; a new range of experimental super premium whiskeys designed to push the boundaries of Irish whiskey. METHOD AND MADNESS launches with a series of unique whiskeys that underpin a continued commitment by Irish Distillers to experimentation and innovation at the home of Irish whiskey in Midleton. METHOD AND MADNESS aims to harness the creativity of Midleton’s whiskey masters through …

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Weekly Review : Hyde Irish Whiskey 10YRS

thewhiskylady - 2015-07-27

Stuart McNamara, founder & editor at, explains that Hyde Whiskey in Skibereen is actually a new Irish whiskey venture and is not to be confused with any other whiskey companies in West Cork. In common with most new Irish Whiskey Start Ups, their initial release is based on a high quality offering that Hyde have worked their magic on from an established distillery. In …

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