distillery cats

Help name those distillery cats !

thewhiskylady - 2017-06-14

Do you remember, I recently ran a piece on the blog about Lindores Abbey Distillery beloved distillery cat and their hunt for a new “mouser-in-chief” a few months ago? I’m back with another cat-related story 😀 [we all know the internet loves cats right?] “We are very sad to say that Toffee sadly passed away shortly after and we have now welcomed two new additions …

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Your First-ever Whisky & Cat Pairing Session

thewhiskylady - 2015-08-04

I just spent a few days without my beloved fluffy cat that I’m already developing the symtoms of a severe lack-of-cuddling-and-petting-sessions condition (go straight to your therapist if you start experiencing some serious blackouts – it’s probably due to drug withdrawal, and cats definitely are one of the hardest). Trying to heal my emotional wounds, I thought I could pay some sort of tribute to …

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