in flames whisky

10 World Whisky Fun Facts

thewhiskylady - 2017-03-30

  the Italian Puni distillery matures part of its stock in a derelict bunker dating back to WWII. Mackmyra is also matured underground, in a former mine called the Bodås Mine, where the temperature remains around 7°C all year round (amongst other uncommon maturation spots: Chugoku Jozo in Japan have been putting its cask for aging in a 100-meter long ancient railway tunnel!).  Box has bottled a limited …

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3 Collaboration whiskies that seriously rock!

thewhiskylady - 2016-11-09

You may or may not know it but I’m a huge fan of music and yeap, I’m also an unrepentant metalhead. Actually, one of my biggest regrets in life has always been not to be able to play any kind of instrument (no, the flute in high school doesn’t count, and I was pretty bad at it…) or sing in tune. When I first heard …

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